NIT SDK update for 2021 – NITLibrary 3.0

NIT SDK update for 2021 – NITLibrary 3.0

New software development kit 3.0

We are excited to announce the release of our new SDK – NITLibrary 3.0

In the last few months, we have been tirelessly working to improve our product and we believe that the new SDK will help you conquer even more new horizons in your imaging projects.

NITLibrary 3.0 is a software development kit providing all the tools necessary to build applications for our cameras.

Main features are:

  • Support of all NIT USB3 and GIGE cameras.
  • Usable on Linux and Windows platforms.
  • Usable on x86_x64 and Arm64 (Linux only) architectures.
  • Contains lots of filters suitable for SWIR cameras.
  • Operates a simple pipeline scheme to interconnect filters to the camera
  • Provides a unified system to pass on parameters to the cameras

For further details, please visit our “Download” page

Season’s Greetings 2020

Season’s Greetings 2020

It’s been quite a year for us all!

In 2020, we had launched a whole new SWIR line – the High-performance SWIR air-cooled camera HiPe SenS (available both in USB.3.0 and CameraLink), for low-light and long-exposure time application.

Also, our dual-response HDR & High Sensitivity SWIR camera –WiDy SenS has an Analog version, with many new features such as stand-alone mode.

We hope that this year has been just as memorable for you.
We look forward to working with you in the next years.

We will close on Friday, Dec 25th, 2020 and Friday, Jan 1st, 2020.

logo Photonics plus 2021

Exciting event in 2021
Join us at our virtual booth and technology presentation at Photonics+ on 17-18 February 2021.

Add event to calendar

HiPe SenS CameraLink – Now available

HiPe SenS CameraLink – Now available

NIT expands the High-Performance SWIR camera series with the HiPe SenS CameraLink.

To facilitate the integration of HiPe SenS cameras into any microscopy or system, NIT provides one more option of the HiPe SenS series – the HiPe SenS 640M-ST. This camera with CameraLink interface is delivered calibrated with proprietary WiDyCAM software.

NIT SWIR Microscopy

SWIR Microscopy application

Explore how SWIR cameras, particularly NIT HiPe SenS, bring benefits for low light and long exposure time applications (Microscopy, Biomedical, Semiconductor Inspection, etc. )

The HiPe SenS 640M-ST, like the USB3.0 version, features the latest NIT’s SWIR sensor NSC1902T along with TEC2 and air-cooled mode, low sensor noise 40e-, ultra-high sensitivity – so the most demanding projects for low light and long-exposure time applications can be achieved easily.

Learn more about the HiPe SenS series

WiDy SenS 640 A-STE – the newest member of WiDy SenS series

WiDy SenS 640 A-STE – the newest member of WiDy SenS series

A new SWIR camera from the WiDy SenS family: WiDy SenS 640A-STE.

This last member of the WiDy SenS family exhibits several new features ideal for embedded applications in UAVs, drones, land or naval platforms. Its video output supports the analog video format RS170 or CCIR which makes it easy to integrate to most video transmission links used in UAVs. This camera can operate in stand-alone mode without external controls. This camera still carries on its unique dual-mode High sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range features.

The WiDy SenS series

With dual-mode SWIR camera, High sensitivity, and High Dynamic Range (120dB), the WiDy SenS camera is the best trade-off on market.

New Feature Benefit:

  • Analog Video 50/60Hz: Stand-alone operation directly connects to a display screen or a data link.
  • Power Consumption < 4W: Ideal as a payload for UAVs.
  • Image Flip: Allows compensating for gimbal orientation or lens inversion.
  • On the field SW/FW update: Internal software and firmware can be updated on the field without dismantling the camera from the platform.
  • Updated SDK: a camera control software via an RS232 link.

The WiDy SenS 640A-STE Analog completes the existing NIT WiDy SenS series. The cameras in this product line are now available with multiple outputs: USB 3.0, CameraLink, GigE, and Analog.

NIT officially releases HiPe SenS SWIR camera for low light, long exposure time applications.

NIT officially releases HiPe SenS SWIR camera for low light, long exposure time applications.

After a successful introduction at Photonics West, NIT launches HiPe SenS final version with a high level of performance.

The HiPe SenS benefits from our latest SWIR sensor – NSC1902T-SI, thanks to the innovative design of its InGaAs photodiode array coupled to our high-performance ROIC. The new sensor’s highlights include low noise operation and ultra-low dark current.

HiPe SenS dedicated to low light imagery and long exposure time applications. It can operate with an FPA temperature as low as -20°C only with internal air cooling. Also, the small form factor allows easy integration to microscope benches or any other optical devices.

Among its best features are:

  • Lowest dark current of its class: <1500 e-/pixels/s @-20°C
  • High QE: 90% typical
  • Sensor noise: < 40e-
  • Integration time: 10 µs to 112 sec
  • Frame rate: Up to 230fps full frame

Being vertically integrated from sensor to camera manufacturing, NIT can offer the HiPe SenS camera at an affordable price compared to other products in the market.

The camera line is suitable for numerous application areas:

  • Medical & Life Science
  • Metrology (microscopy, hyperspectral)
  • Process control (industry, semiconductors, food)
  • Surveillance
  • Photon counting

The HiPe SenS is now available in the USB3.0 interface (HiPe SenS 640V-ST), before extending towards other interfaces shortly. The camera is delivered with NIT proprietary software WiDyVISION and SDK USB Windows & Linux and MicroManager adapter.

NIT introduces NITViewerGIGE and new SDK

NIT introduces NITViewerGIGE and new SDK

NIT GigE Viewer is the new updated software provided with our GigE cameras.

It includes all the necessary tools to discover our cameras and offers a user-friendly interface. However, It is only working on the Windows system.

The main interface is divided into 2 windows: a Camera Stream window where you will have the live output of the camera, and the control interface with the commands and post-processing functions.

Currently, supported cameras are:


This table represents the minimum configuration required for the computer to use NIT Viewer GIGE.

System configuration Windows 7 or higher 32 or 64 bit
Processor Core i-5 or superior 1.6GHz to 3.3GHz (or superior)
Memory RAM 4 Go or higher

New SDK: NIT SDK Python

NIT also provides the SDK in Python.

The NITLibrary is a DLL providing all functions to interface with NIT cameras regardless of the connection type (USB or GigE). It contains functions related to the connection, the parameter settings (pixel clock, exposure time…) to interface our cameras in your projects.

NITViewerGIGE 1.0 and SDK Python are available to download in your account page.
Please visit our Software page or contact us for further information.