laser alignment
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Laser applications

Get a better knowledge through vision

Unlike usual systems needing constant gain adjustment when changing the laser power, we propose a smart auto gain adjustment and a density free system, reducing, therefore, cost and effort in the setup. We cover a broad spectrum from 900nm to 1700nm. With this spectrum, NIT SWIR camera becomes the ally of any laser processes. NIT technology allows overcoming the usual saturation and blooming effects occurring for any standard camera subjected to high power laser light.

Typical applications

why NIT?

Recommended products

Typical applications

  • Laser Communications
  • Laser Tracking & Laser Alignment  – up to 10 kHz (ROI)
  • Laser Beam Profiling
  • LiDAR
  • Active Imaging + Tomography
  • Wavefront metrology

Why NIT?


SWIR wavelength


High Sensitivity


easy to integrate into any system


Software & SDK compatible with multiple environements

Recomended products

HDR & High Sensitivity

WiDy SenS 640
  • 640x512px (VGA) @15μm pixel pitch
  • HDR 120dB + Gated mode optional
  • USB 3.0/CameraLink /GigE/Analog/SDI

High Sensitivity

SenS 1280
  • 1280x1024px @10μm pixel pitch
  • Readout noise 30e- (Linear mode)
  • USB 3.0/CameraLink

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