Partnership on SWIR quantum dot sensors project

Partnership on SWIR quantum dot sensors project

NIT partners with the French National Research Agency on SWIR quantum dot sensors.

NIT and the French National Research Institute at Sorbonne University have entered into a research partnership, with the aim of producing SWIR sensors using HgTe quantum dot materials deposited on read-out circuits (ROIC).

The Institute of Nano Sciences from Sorbonne University is currently researching and producing quantum dot materials of HgTe sensitive in the SWIR to MWIR wavelength range. Preliminary tests of QCD deposition on NIT ROIC’s have shown impressive results. 

This strategy is promising to design low-cost and small pixel pitch focal plane array, as well as to expand the spectral range of the SWIR camera up to 2.5 µm.

This collaborative program is funded by the French National Research Agency

“After 10 years of researching infrared imaging nanocrystal films we have been able to obtain impressive SWIR images when coupled to a NIT ROIC. Through this project, we now enter into a new step of collaboration to bring this proof of concept to a SWIR commercially available camera.

Emmanuel Lhuillier – CNRS researcher and NITQuantum project principal investigator

“This is a major breakthrough in the life of NIT as this partnership will allow us to offer a full line of SWIR sensors and cameras in large volumes and at low price. This technology benefits from the overall imaging sensor market as it shares its common manufacturing platforms. No doubt this novel sensor technology will become the standard in SWIR sensors in 3 to 5 years”

Pierre Potet – CEO, New Imaging Technologies (NIT)

“The project is built upon some impressive preliminary results that demonstrated the feasibility of the technology and its potential to produce low-cost SWIR sensors for numerous applications. The continued partnership between NIT and the Paris Institute of Nanosciences enters now a phase of technological consolidation that will result in a device ready for industrialization.”

Victor Parahyba – Scientific Manager of the NIT Quantum project

NIT introduces the WiDy SenS 1280 at Photonics West

NIT introduces the WiDy SenS 1280 at Photonics West

Visit us at the Digital Marketplace!

Connect with New Imaging Technologies during the SPIE Photonics West Digital Forum (6th -11th March)

This year’s online experience will include a free Digital Marketplace, where our latest camera will be featured.

WiDy SenS 1280 – SXGA SWR camera 

WiDy SenS 1280 is the newest member of NIT SWIR InGaAs camera series. This camera provides a high resolution of 1280x1024px @10µm pixel pitch, a high sensitivity with a typ. RON < 40 e– while preserving the unique HDR LOG response. The camera will be available in USB 3.0 in May 2021 and CameraLink in summer 2021.

Interact with our representatives, learn about our products, and get answers to all of your questions.

Our team will be available on 10h00-22h00 CET (1h00 to 13h00 Pacific Time Zone) from Monday 8th to Thursday 11th March.

We look forward to seeing you!

NIT product presentation at Photonics Plus was canceled

NIT product presentation at Photonics Plus was canceled

Dear clients and partners,

We are so sorry to announce that our product’s presentation at Photonics Plus at 13:30 – 18/2/2021 will be canceled due to a technical problem with the platform. Our team will still be available at our digital booth for any questions.

However, don’t be disappointed! We will present our new product really soon – at Photonics West 2021 (March 2021 – only 3 weeks to go).

Please stay tuned for our further updates.
See you soon!

Novel Stacking Technology for InGaAs to ROIC Bonding

Novel Stacking Technology for InGaAs to ROIC Bonding

NIT is pleased to announce the release of several new SWIR sensors now produced with NIT in-house designed stacking technology, internally named NH.

The NH technology allows to stack a photodiode array (PDA) of InGaAs to a CMOS read out circuit (ROIC) at pixel level. The NH technology does not rely on the classical Indium bump hybridization technique, therefore improving the manufacturing yield and lowering the sensor cost.

The VGA line of SWIR products with 15µm pitch is already in full production since several years using the NH technology.  New products with higher resolution and lower pitch from 10µm down to 7.5µm are currently under qualification, such as an HD array (1280×1024 pixels @ 10µm)

The roadmap towards very small pitch <5µm and Full HD+ formats is under construction at NIT.

NIT SDK update for 2021 – NITLibrary 3.0

NIT SDK update for 2021 – NITLibrary 3.0

New software development kit 3.0

We are excited to announce the release of our new SDK – NITLibrary 3.0

In the last few months, we have been tirelessly working to improve our product and we believe that the new SDK will help you conquer even more new horizons in your imaging projects.

NITLibrary 3.0 is a software development kit providing all the tools necessary to build applications for our cameras.

Main features are:

  • Support of all NIT USB3 and GIGE cameras.
  • Usable on Linux and Windows platforms.
  • Usable on x86_x64 and Arm64 (Linux only) architectures.
  • Contains lots of filters suitable for SWIR cameras.
  • Operates a simple pipeline scheme to interconnect filters to the camera
  • Provides a unified system to pass on parameters to the cameras

For further details, please visit our “Download” page