Come and see our latest innovation in Vision China 2018 Shanghai, booth #W5.5713

Come and see our latest innovation in Vision China 2018 Shanghai, booth #W5.5713

New Imaging Technologies, the leader in WDR visible and SWIR solutions, invites you to visit its booth # 5713 in Hall W5 at Vision China 2018 Shanghai from March 14-16 for discovering its last novelties.
At the menu, the following new courses will be demonstrated:

  • Our new 12 bits digital CMOS sensors in VGA, 1.3Mpixels global and rolling full HD. Combining our famous WDR recipe and a new blend of extra features, these devices will trigger your interest in developing competitive advantages in machine and computer vision.
  • Our new dual-mode InGaAs sensor NSC1601T-SI offering high sensitivity and High Dynamic Range in one single product. With its utmost versatility of use, it will allow you to imagine numerous applications in SWIR for your industry or activity.

Come to chat with our team and discover a new horizon for enhancing your vision

Discover our relative video “Face recognition with NSC1602”


NSC1601T-SI: a unique dual response mode SWIR VGA sensor

The first preview of NIT’s latest innovation in InGaAs technology will be publicly released at Photonics West 2018, San Francisco, booth#841.

The NSC1601T-SI all-purpose VGA 15µm sensor bridges the gap between high sensitivity and wide dynamic range with following assets: user selectable Linear or Logarithmic mode, TEC or TECless operation capability, up to 350fps.

Thanks to its ROIC architecture (ITR/IWR, CDS, ROI), this new comer in the SWIR arena, is offering users the capacity to foster their imagination and to develop superior competitive advantages.

This sensor will be proposed in a brand new camera product line called WiDy SenS for system makers and later on modules for OEM in Compact then Smart version along this year.

Our local US distributor partners AXIOM-OPTICS (Booth#841@PW2018), PEMBROKE-INSTRUMENTS & SIERRA-OLYMPICS (Booth#5258@PW2018) will be happy to introduce you first images.

Do not hesitate to ask us for preliminary flyer or request an appointment with them or our sales force that will be present.

Stay tuned! More to come at SPIE Orlando in April !

End of a successful year and a promising 2018 year… Biometrics, New Digital HDR CMOS sensors & low noise SWIR Cameras.

End of a successful year and a promising 2018 year… Biometrics, New Digital HDR CMOS sensors & low noise SWIR Cameras.

As 2017 draws to a close, so does the NIT monthly Press release. This year, celebrating the 10th anniversary of NIT, was a successful year for NIT and its partners.
We hope you enjoyed using NIT products and we would like to thank you for your loyalty and your collaboration.
This year-end is also a good moment to have a preview on the next big thing coming very soon.
In 2018, NIT will officially launch a new biometrics line, already adopted in recent design-wins. The increasing demand for 3D face recognition systems and fingerprint solutions in the today’s consumer devices will benefit of our innovative technology…
The existing HDR CMOS vision sensors will also have their moment and will be refreshed with a new digital “dress” and a significant improvement in sensitivity, for industrial applications, automotive markets and the emerging embedded applications.
Finally, the SWIR products will have a new disruptive VGA family member with low noise, fast frame features and increased gating possibilities.
We look forward to introducing you to all these new gifts and we wish you a special Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous New Year.

Need for Range Gated active imaging in SWIR? Think first about New Imaging Technologies!

Need for Range Gated active imaging in SWIR? Think first about New Imaging Technologies!

NIT, the leader in WDR CMOS and SWIR solutions, has developed in recent years a complete offer in SWIR gating imaging in both QVGA (320×256) and VGA (640×512) resolution, available in Compact or Smart cameras series (USB3.0, Camlink).

Thanks to its patented logarithmic pixel technology architecture, the WiDy SWIR cameras allow ultra-low exposure time (200ns) fully synchronized with short pulse eye-safe laser with utmost shutter efficiency outperforming any other InGaAs solutions on the market.

The latest Smart embedded Camlink camera WiDy SWIR 640M-SPE (all image processing carried on FPGA) has a rise time of 20ns from 10 to 90{9a44eb60b78c6be578d84a02f8e7e2ba1bb02e443d69921212369355c65d69fe}, a jitter less than 10ns and a programmable 30ns step delays capability. It allows users to reconstruct a scene with an adequate optic and laser kilometers away by tomography technique in 30 meters Z axis work window with 3 meters precision day or night, through various obscurants such as smoke, pollution or fog.

Feel free to contact us or one of our 25 local partners worldwide for additional information :

New Imaging Technologies is launching two new CMOS cameras in GigE

NIT MAGIC camera

NIT, a leader in Wide Dynamic Range imaging solution for the visible and SWIR, is introducing on the market this month two new Smart MAGIC camera products in visible with 1.3Mpixels NSC1003 (MC1003-1GB or C) and WVGA NSC1104 (MC1104-PGB).

These compact and low power consumption cameras, offering GigE Vision output in 14 bits, can be triggered and deliver 140dB images or RAW data for serving machine or computer vision demanding applications.

Thanks to its three-mode operating (Rolling, Global or Differential), the Smart Magic MC1003 series – available in monochrome or 24 bits RGB color – brings imaging, gesture, movement or edge detection in fast-changing or ultra-bright illuminated scene.

The Smart Magic MC1104 camera can not only image high light level but can also be radiometrically calibrated by customers for transforming it into a high-temperature thermography instrument.

You can contact our sales team for more technical and pricing information:

Back to shows in September with NIT Team!


New Imaging Technologies, a leader in WDR visible, SWIR, I-CMOS solutions, and Smart sensing sensors is back on the road again for presenting its last products and innovations.
NIT will exhibit in 4 different exhibitions and conferences this month.

Starting from 6th to 8th of September, the EMVA forum will take place at the AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology- in Vienna, Austria, and focus on next-generation vision systems for industry, computational imaging, machine learning and more. NIT will introduce its new VGA HDR Global shutter sensor, NSC1602, with a presentation of Dr. Ni – CTO, on Multi-Mode Logarithmic Sensor for smart vision systems.

From 12th to 13rd of September, NIT will be pleased to welcome you at the SPIE Security + Defense 2017 in Warsaw, Poland (Booth#410). Live demonstration of the latest products will showcase on the booth including, in particular, the GigE Smart camera WiDy SWIR 640G-S and the 1st prototype dual-mode Lin-Log InGaAs sensor.

The same week, in India, NIT with its local partner, ATOS, will be exhibiting the SWIR cameras on the Laser World of Photonics India, New Delhi, Pragati Maidan.

To end this exhibition tour, NIT will finally be at the AutoSens conference from 19th to 21st September, the world’s leading technical summit for ADAS and autonomous vehicle perception technology, at the AutoWorld Museum Brussels with the ADAS group.

Choose your location and come to see our latest innovations for your imaging product.