NIT joins France Relance program

May 10, 2021 | News

New Imaging Technologies (NIT) thanks the French Government for their support with the “France Relance” Program in developing the industrialization of our novel in-house stacking technology, recognizing NIT’s breakthrough R&D process development in SWIR sensor production. NIT will be able to address volume production and high-resolution SWIR sensors with this industrialization process

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NIT has designed a specific “Soft Trigger” mode for its flagship WiDy SenS VGA InGaAs SWIR GigE Vision camera

NIT has designed a specific “Soft Trigger” mode for its flagship WiDy SenS VGA InGaAs SWIR GigE Vision camera

To fulfill the need for a fast and precise process monitoring, NIT has designed a specific “Soft Trigger” mode for its flagship WiDy SenS VGA InGaAs SWIR GigE Vision camera. This mode reduces the latency between the beginning of the exposure time and delivery to the host system of the produced image. Therefore, the inspection system increases the checking rate.