Discover SenS 1280 – SXGA SWIR camera

Mar 22, 2021 | News

New Imaging Technologies introduced to the market a new InGaAs camera with a TEC SXGA sensor – SenS 1280.

Key features:

  • Linear response mode: High sensitivity
  • Read-out noise 27e-
  • High QE InGaAs from 900nm to 1700nm
  • SXGA resolution, 1280*1024 pixels
  • Bad Pixels Replacement and Non-Uniformity Correction
  • USB3.0 & CameraLink (July) interface


  • Active Imaging
  • Laser Beam profiling
  • Metrology (microscopy, hyperspectral)
  • Process control (industry, semiconductors,
    food, …)
  • Defense and security
  • Airborne cameras (UAV)

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