POE option added to NIT WiDy SenS GigE

Dec 17, 2019 | News

A thank-you gift from NIT

Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout the year. Before ending this successful year 2019, let us send you a wonderful gift.

PoE is now available on all our WiDy Sens GigE cameras.

Power Over Ethernet (PoE) and GigE are industrial standards allowing to use only one RJ45 connector to both control and power industrial vision cameras. PoE has been now fully implemented in our family of WiDy Sens GigE cameras, thus greatly simplifying cabling and connecting machine vision cameras to industrial networks, while keeping triggering options for system integration.
Our GigE SWIR cameras deliver high sensitivity and high dynamic range (120dB) at a frame rate of up to 220 FPS in full VGA mode and are compatible with most third-party image players.

What to see in 2020!

HiPe New Year!!!!

The new SWIR camera family is coming soon. We are eager to tell you more, so stay tuned!
Keep in touch

Best wishes and see you in 2020

We will close on Wednesday, Dec 25th, 2019 and Wednesday, Jan 1st, 2020. (CET)

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