Apr 19, 2018 | News

Learn about Gated Imaging and the ability to determine the distance between an object and the camera. Our dedicated WiDy cameras will lead to accurate tomographic reconstructions.

Recent news

SWIR as the ally of laser processes

SWIR as the ally of laser processes

Never settling down with the present success, NIT always continues providing better imaging solutions. This year, NIT brings you the best of the SWIR cameras, especially for industrial applications. Discover through several episodes of how our large WiDy Family...

The Gated Imaging webinar recording is now available

The Gated Imaging webinar recording is now available

The recording of our webinar Gated Imaging (Thursday 26/7 2018) is available on NIT YouTube channel. And you can watch it directly on this post. This webinar was held by New Imaging Technologies with the collaboration of ISL - The French-German Research Institute of...