Demonstration videos available on NIT YouTube

Nov 15, 2018 | News

We are glad to announce that you can watch all demo videos on NIT YouTube.
We hope these videos help you have a better understanding of our technologies and performance.
On our channel, you can watch the videos by upload time or by playlists (MAGIC – Visible cameras or SWIR cameras).

Don’t forget to subscribe for more.
Meanwhile, enjoy 2 newest demo videos on our channel.

The first video illustrates the Gated Imaging Principle.
You may be interested in Gated Imaging Application Note.

The second video is our comparison between 1.3 MPixels CMOS Sensor (Passive mode) vs. WiDy SenS – InGaAs 640×512 in various dense smoke environments (water-based smoke and smoke bomb).
This test also shows the performance of Gated mode featuring in our camera WiDy SenS.

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