NIT & the Open Innovation Defense & Space challenge of AIRBUS and MBDA

Feb 19, 2019 | News

Last Thursday, February 14, NIT had proudly presented the final pitch for the Open Innovation Defense & Space challenge of AIRBUS and MBDA.

At Techinnov- Paris, NIT introduced and explained the concept in front of AIRBUS and MBDA as well as the public of industrialists and investors. As one of 10 chosen finalists, NIT won an award of 5000EUR to develop Defense & Space project.

Here are some photos of the award ceremony on February 14 at a Techinnov.

About The Open Innovation Defense & Space challenge

This competition is reserved for innovative start-ups and SMEs in the Paris region with civil or dual activities that meet the technological needs of the Airbus group.

“The innovative ideas challenge launched jointly by Airbus and MBDA in December 2018 attracted 63 original candidates” – according to AIRBUS.

Find out more about this event.

NIT and the Challenge

Working and developing HDR imaging sensors and cameras from Visible to SWIR band, NIT operates in a large number of different industries, but most of NIT solutions are found in the fields of defense, security. The goal is to provide a clear vision in all lighting conditions, for example, harsh environmental conditions, day and night, for defending or protecting people.

Nominated for innovative image sensors, NIT project illustrates how NIT future SWIR Hyperspectral development can improve defense and civilian airborne vision systems.

"Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a technique that analyzes a wide spectrum of light instead of just assigning primary colors (red, green, blue) to each pixel. The light striking each pixel is broken down into many different spectral bands in order to provide more information on what is imaged." Armin Schneider, Hubertus Feussner

The advantage of this solution is reducing the cost for integration and drastically reducing the size of Hyperspectral SWIR system.

If you are interested in hyperspectral SWIR solution, please contact us for more information

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